Thousands of Dollars & Jesus

I’ve learned many things these first two years of marriage, and living life on our own as adults.  While I won’t talk about them all this week on the blog (wow that would be lengthy), I’d like to discuss the investment of money.  That is, putting your money towards something that will matter and make a difference in the future.  One of our first BIG investments has been college.  We’re talking thousands of dollars here people.  And yes, it is painful, but it will be worth it in the end. Image result for broke college student funny

While I know college isn’t for everyone, we however have found this to be very important for our future.  While we probably could have chosen a cheaper university, we chose our more expensive university because it was important for our future.

Life lesson no. 1: “not all good things in life are cheap.”

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We could have chose to go to a university in our home state (saving on in state tuition), or chose to go to a trade school, or gone to a university that offered the cheapest price. However, we chose a private university (much more expensive than the ones just listed), and it has been the best decision of our  life, so far.

What’s the point?

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Our very expensive private university offers an environment not found many places on this earth.  A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY!!!! *Cue the angelic choir 😉  Since moving here, being around others that share our faith somewhere we’re at almost everyday,  has not only made us grow in our own faith, but it has opened the door for us to get an education all the while preparing us for service to Christ.  We can talk openly in classes about topics the world doesn’t want to address (finding God in it all).  Pray with our own professors and classmates.  Go to chapel that’s offered each day!  It’s so hard in our world today to stay connected to Christ, when much of the world is pulling away from him. God gave us one another to fight the good fight together.  So yes, it is expensive, but we are investing in something so important, our salvation.  In the end we will have good jobs, an awesome education, and grown closer in our relationship with Christ.

And with that I must get back to the studies because no, God can’t pass my nursing exam for me 😉  Darn.



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